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Meanings of UPS Tracking Status

Tim Tim Mar 26, 2025

UPS Tracking has various tracking information, which may be difficult for ordinary customers to understand. The following information can eliminate the receiver and sender's doubts about UPS Tracking tracking information


Departure Shipment Information


Ready to ship

Label Created 

Shipper created a label, UPS has not received the package yet. 

Hong Kong

(labels made but not picked up by UPS staff) 


There is a delay at the departure point

Your package is in transit. We're updating plans to schedule your delivery. 

Chek Lap Kok, Hong Kong

(No need to contact LHK/UPS, because some routes do not have flights every day) 


The package has departed/the flight has departed

Departed from Facility 

Chek Lap Kok, Hong Kong

(Usually reach the next transfer station within 12 hours) 


Due to flight delay or machine failure

Due to operating conditions, your package may be delayed. / Your delivery will be rescheduled. 

Koeln, Germany

(Usually it will be resolved within 24-48 hours, no need to contact LHK/UPS) 


Customs clearance information


Customs is checking your package

On the Way 

Your parcel is pending release from a Government Agency. Once they release it, your parcel will be on its way. 

Stansted, United Kingdom

(If you are in the same situation for several days, it is recommended to contact LHK/UPS) 


Packages are subject to taxImport charges are due for this parcel. Select Pay Now (where available) or pay at delivery.
(Suggest paying immediately) 


UPS needs to request more information from the recipient for customs clearanceUPS initiated contact with receiver or importer for clearance information. Once received, UPS will submit for clearance.
(Usually ask about the purpose of the imported package, just answer truthfully) 
(It is recommended that the sender ask the recipient if they have received an email/phone call from UPS) 



If it is in the same situation for several days, it means that the customs is checking your package

Warehouse Scan 

Stansted, United Kingdom

(It is recommended to contact LHK/UPS) 


The package has been cleared

Cleared Import Customs 

Your parcel has cleared customs and is on the way.

(The recipient usually receives the goods within 1-3 days) 



Destination Delivery Information




The package is being delivered (the chance of delivery in the morning is high), and the deliveryman will deliver it on the same day

Out for Delivery 

Out for Delivery 

London, United Kingdom

(Usually the recipient will receive the SMS delivery time) 


If the recipient was not at home, the package will be delivered to the self-pickup point

Customer was not available when UPS attempted delivery. Will deliver to a nearby UPS Access Point™ for customer coll. 

Leeds, United Kingdom

(Recipient will receive SMS pickup information later) 



The package has arrived at the self-pickup point and is waiting for the recipient to pick it up

Delivered to UPS Access Point™ 

Leeds, GB

(Usually the recipient will receive an SMS pickup message) 


The recipient picks up the goods at the self-pickup point as soon as possible to avoid the package being returned to the warehouse

Awaiting Customer Collection 

UPS Access Point™ possession

(Usually the recipient will receive an SMS pickup message) 


No one at home, will redelivery next working day

The receiver was not available for delivery. We'll make a second attempt the next business day. 

Croydon, United Kingdom

(The recipient is advised to wait at home the next business day morning) 



Why choose LHK Express for safer and more secure shipping?

From August 2022, LHK Express will launch the "Customs Clearance Guarantee" program. Our risk control team will conduct risk assessment and analysis for each package to ensure that each package reaches 99.9% smooth customs clearance. The cost of this program Included in shipping, no extra charge.

For details, please refer to Customs Clearance Guarantee

No need to compare each platform :

LHK Express chooses the best plan for you!



Flight data analysis:

Provide more accurate timeliness for your package!


Tax Hedging: 

LHK Express provides multiple customs clearance & tax included services! Even if the tax is not included, we will diligently make risk warnings in advance to avoid the recipient paying high taxes!



100% Electronic Platform:

No documents!! No worries about printing documents and labels!! Regardless of the recipient or sender, no customs declaration is required!!



Packaging Management: 

Avoid delays and package damage!! Make sure your package arrives safely!!